Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Almost finished

A couple photos with a clean floor. I plan to sit on this for a while to decide whether or not I want to repaint the green area.

This last image gives an indication of the scale of the mural.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Closing in :)

Here are some pics of the wall completely covered with fresco and/or white plaster. My lovely and talented wife Leslie is inspecting the work. :P

Some pics taken by Cheryl Beckley and the folks at WKYU-PBS. Thanks to the film team for all of their efforts (Cheryl, David, Amanda and Alan.)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July updates

Hello everyone,

Here are some updates. I'm closing in on finishing the fresco! Last week I finished the large figure on the left and today I plastered from her to the figure on the far right and painted some echoes in the middle figure's hair. I forgot to get an image after the painting portion was completed so I'll post it again in a bit. Also note the white plaster at the top that is a bit darker is wet and will dry to nearly the same white as the far right right and left backgrounds. You shouldn't be able to detect the edge from a distance when it's finished (fingers crossed).